CategoriesNatural Pain Relief

How to Relieve Lower Back Pain on Long Road Trips

Lower back pain can be an unfortunate side effect of lengthy car trips. Extended driving impacts our back for a couple of reasons: poor posture and sitting too long in a sustained position. Thankfully, there are simple ways to reduce the uncomfortable lower back pain associated with road trips. 

How To Relieve Lower Back Pain From Driving:

Before you leave, optimize your seat

Only your body knows best how to adjust your seat for optimal comfort during long trips. Adjust your headrest for neck support, and your seat to accommodate your leg length. If you are riding in a bumpy vehicle, consider sitting on a car seat pillow or coccyx cushion for further padding.  

Sit as comfortably as possible

Be aware of how you are seated while in the car and correct any tendency to slouch. Sit with a straight back, knees hip-width apart, and feet flat on the floor to maintain your body’s best posture. Some find that it is more comfortable to place a small pillow or a rolled-up towel between their lower back and the seat.  

Also, remember to empty your back pockets! You’d be surprised how much it can affect lower back pain while driving. Sitting with equalized weight upon the seat will help prevent discomfort throughout the trip.  

The healing power of cold and heat

Many find that applying cold and hot compresses to their backs can help alleviate lower back pain from driving. If you bring a cooler on your trip, you can rotate ice packs out to use on your lower back. Applying cold to the back has been found to decrease inflammation while also numbing pain in the affected area.

Cold should be applied to acute injuries (less than four weeks since the onset). If you are tending chronic back pain, applying heat can support comfort throughout your car travels. 

How To Relieve Lower Back Pain From Driving:

Our bodies are not designed to be sedentary, and prolonged sitting of any kind is bound to lead to discomfort. If you are known to experience lower back pain, it is wise to plan for stops every hour. Take short walks around when you make your stops.  

If you are the driver, remember that driving is deceptively tiring work. To avoid postural aches and to minimize mental fatigue, be kind to yourself, and break up your trip.  

Find stretches and exercises that can be done on the go

If you are not able to stop and get out to move around frequently, do your best to get the blood flowing even as you remain seated. Since everything is connected spinally, look into beneficial neck and back stretches designed for sitting. Simple stretches and gentle twists can do a lot to alleviate stress on your body.

Enjoy a Road Trip Free of Back Pain

Lower back pain while driving can be enough to opt for other travel arrangements, but with the right methods, you can find some relief. WOW! Natural Care, we are committed to providing natural relief options that fit your healthy and adventurous lifestyle. Our WOW! Natural Care Oil for back pain is an excellent companion on the road, when you may be sitting for uncomfortable periods of time. We trust mother nature’s best in the formulation of our products so that you can trust what you use for temporary, minor lower back pain relief.  

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CategoriesNatural Pain Relief

Top Ways to Relieve Pain in Your Feet

Our feet take a beating from daily walking, running, jumping, and climbing, so it’s no surprise when pain or discomfort appears. When your feet are bothering you, it can feel difficult to take on the day so finding ways to relieve minor aches and pains is essential.

Common Causes of Foot Pain

Pain in your feet can be alarming and certainly uncomfortable. However, foot pain can have mundane causes and doesn’t necessarily indicate an underlying disease or injury. Common causes of the ball, arch, and top of foot pain include:


  • Poorly Fitting Shoes
  • Prolonged Period on Feet
  • Overuse Such as Long Walks or Running A Marathon
  • Sprains, Strains, or Other Minor Trauma
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Bunions
  • Arthritis

You should consult with your doctor to determine the cause of your foot discomfort as it may indicate a serious condition, but often daily wear and tear of feet is the culprit. For everyday aches and pains which this article addresses, there are many options when it comes to relieving pain in your feet, like massages, creams, and stretches.

Tips for Foot Pain Relief

Below are some of the top ways to relieve pain in your feet, so you can get back on them:

Stretches for Foot Pain

Stretching is a simple way to find foot pain relief at home. Some great foot stretches include toe extensions, golf ball rolls, and achilles stretches.


Toe extension stretches are useful in preventing or treating pain in the heel when walking, plantar fasciitis, and improve mobility in the toes. Rolling a golf ball or massage ball under the foot may help to relieve discomfort. Achilles stretches target the Achilles tendon, which connects the heel to the calf muscles. It can strain easily, and stretching and exercising the area may help with foot pains.


Foot rubs and massage not only feel great but are a fantastic and easy way to temporarily relieve pain in your feet. You can perform a self-massage or opt for a spa day to help you quickly relieve temporary pain.


According to Heel That Pain, “By rubbing the heel, arch, and surrounding areas, you can stimulate blood flow, improve circulation, break down adhesions and scarring, temporarily diminish the pain signals from nerve endings, and stretch and loosen tight muscles and tendons…”


However, massaging the bottom of your foot is not a permanent solution for chronic foot conditions.

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Proper Footwear and Arch Support

Pain in the arch and bottom of the foot may be caused by the way you walk or stand. Depending on your anatomy and gait, some muscles in your arches may work harder than the others and this can lead to pain. Arch pain may also occur from overuse such as prolonged periods of walking or standing.


To help relieve pain in the arch of your foot, wear proper shoes, especially when exercising, to help distribute weight through your entire foot. Also, consider inserting insoles to support your arches for daily walking and standing.

Foot Pain Relief Oil

Ease minor foot pain with WOW! Natural Care Oils. Our high-quality foot pain relief oils penetrates a therapeutic effect and is designed to temporarily reduce minor pain in feet, toes, and ankles and deliver fast and effective relief.

Getting Back on Your (Pain-Free) Feet

Our feet are one of our most complicated body parts and are subject to strain. With daily wear and tear from walking or running, our feet deserve some respite. There are many ways you can try to relieve sore feet at home. Try a few of these methods combined with our WOW! Natural Care products for temporary relief and get back on your feet.

CategoriesNatural Pain Relief

4 Natural Ways to Relieve Arthritic Pain Effectively

Arthritis is staggeringly common, with around 1 in 4 American adults suffering from the condition. While we tend to think of it as a single disease, it’s actually a cluster of symptoms (other than arthritic autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis). But regardless of the underlying diagnosis, it often presents with pain, reduced range of motion, stiffness, and swelling.

The good news is that there are proven ways to find natural pain relief for arthritis. Simple lifestyle changes can help you manage your pain. From dietary changes and appropriate physical activity to mind-body approaches, supplementation and physical therapy, there are options to fit your preference and budget.

First, let’s review what arthritis is. Then we’ll offer 4 tips to help you get some relief.

What is the Difference Between Common & Autoimmune Arthritis?

Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joint(s). The symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe, intermittent or ever-present, and can worsen gradually or in leaps and bounds.

Osteoarthritis is a more common form of arthritis, which usually has a slow progression. When osteoarthritis is present, it tends to present as a single damaged joint, like a hip or a knee.

In essence, osteoarthritis degrades the protective lining of the joint and eats into the bone below. This often causes pain and stiffness and, over time, can lead to disability.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can rear its ugly head within weeks to months, and it arises from a different cause to osteoarthritis. It is autoimmune in nature. The body attacks its own tissues. In RA, the joint lining is targeted by the immune system, which sees its own tissues are foreign. This, too, results in inflammation and joint destruction.

However, rheumatoid arthritis tends to favor the small joints, like those in the hands. It is symmetrical, which means that if one knee or hand is affected, usually the other one is too. RA causes the involved joints to feel tender to touch and hot. It can also cause significant joint deformity.

4 Tips to Help You Mitigate Your Arthritis Symptoms

As we said before, lifestyle changes are key to getting a handle of your arthritis pain. And they are simpler than you may think. Celebrity fitness trainer, Harley Pasternak, offers these basic tips to get you started.

1. Get Moving to Lubricate Those Joints for Arthritis Pain Relief

As Pasternak tells us, the first thing you need to do is MOVE. It may seem counterintuitive when you are in pain and feeling stiff, but moving will actually help you. Exercising helps keep your joints lubricated.

It doesn’t mean that you need to head to the gym. Physical activities like walking, hydrotherapy, and strength training can help you keep your affected joints moving, provide strength and support, and ease the fatigue commonly experienced with chronic pain. If you have arthritis in your hands, our article on Hand Exercises to Relieve Arthritis Pain will show you exactly how to move for relief—without having to even get up from your chair.

2. Consider Dietary Changes to Support Your Joint, Muscle, and Cartilage Function

A healthy diet is also imperative to your overall health — from the foods you eat to drinking adequate water. Dietary changes can reduce inflammation and obesity, both important aspects for calming arthritis. You can add foods to your diet.

  • Add omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. Fish, fish oil, seaweed, algae, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, edamame, and kidney beans are all excellent sources of Omega-3 fatty acids can support a healthy muscle, joint, and cartilage function.
  • Eat whole berries. Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries have been shown to give you the antioxidants you need to support your overall wellbeing.
  • Add turmeric (curcumin) to your dishes. Research has shown that curcumin supports strong bones, joints, and muscles; thus it is the latest craze in the workout community. Curry dishes are the easiest way to go in recipes, but you can also make turmeric lattes and much, much more. Try our recipe below and tell us what you think.
  • Drink green tea. Research has suggested that daily intake of green tea can support your bone and joint function due to its high flavonoid content.
  • Curcumin supplements may reduce morning stiffness and ease movement.
  • Boswellia Serrate (Indian Frankincense) shows promise in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, with proven anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Ginger, Cat’s Claw and S-adenosylmethionine also have anti-inflammatory compounds.

3. Drink More Water for Natural Pain Relief

You may already be aware that your body is made up of about 3/4 water. But did you know that it plays a vital role in keeping your joints lubricated, absorbs shock in your spine, and protects sensitive tissue? It also your body’s way of detoxing. So if you feel that your body is starting to feel like a creeky old door, get out your “watering can” and lubricate your body’s hinges — the joints that help you move.

5. Use Natural Topicals for Arthritis Pain Relief

Finally, you can try topical WOW! Natural Care Oils with ingredients that reduce pain, like Eucalyptus Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Aloe Vera, Jojoba Oil, Mint Oil, Coconut Oil to take the edge off. These can be combined with physical therapy, light exercise and/or massage can help you get a handle on your pain. 

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CategoriesNatural Pain Relief

Middle Back Pain: Understanding the Causes and Treatment Options

Back pain is one of the most common conditions that people all over the world silently suffer through. It is estimated that back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide – preventing many people from doing their jobs or making it through regular, everyday activities. Lots of us put up with back pain because we think there is no other solution – but it doesn’t have to be this way.

There are many different types of back pain, both in terms of what causes the pain and where in your back you feel it. Most commonly, people experience pain in their lower or upper back, because these areas are more mobile and active than the middle of the back.

As there is already a lot of information out there explaining the causes and treatments for lower back pain, we’ve decided to focus on middle back pain causes and the best ways to overcome the painful symptoms.

Identify the Middle Back

First, let’s identify the “middle.” The spinal cord is divided into four sections, from top to bottom:

  • Cervical
  • Thoracic
  • Lumbar
  • Sacrum/coccyx

Typically, lower back pain is associated with the lumbar region, and upper back or neck pain with the cervical or upper thoracic region. When pain is felt in the lower thoracic region it is referred to as middle back pain – you will typically feel this in the area of your back between your shoulder blades and your rib cage.

The Most Common Middle Back Pain Causes

The middle back consists of the spinal column, spinal cord, muscles, ligaments, tendons, discs, blood vessels and nerves. With so many different working components, it goes without saying that there can be a vast number of causes of middle back pain, but here are some of the most common ones:

Poor posture

Whether it’s because you’re sitting at a desk all day, or because you slouch when you walk, having poor posture is a leading cause of middle back pain. Poor posture means that you aren’t engaging your back muscles properly and this can result in too much unsupported weight being placed on your middle back. This can affect the muscles, discs and joints of the back, leading to substantial pain.

Muscle strains and sprains

Another common middle back pain cause, a sprain or strain, can result from certain types of physical activity such as tennis or running (especially if you don’t warm up properly), or from lifting something that’s too heavy, or not using proper technique when lifting. A muscle strain or sprain in your middle back can be very painful and may take several weeks to heal.


Although exercise comes with its risks of injury, inactivity is actually more dangerous. It’s important to keep your back muscles active and strong so that they can support ligaments, tendons and, of course, your spinal cord. Inactivity can make your back more susceptible to injury, and weak back muscles can dramatically increase your chances of hurting yourself when you’re lifting something heavy or doing anything that involves twisting your back.

It’s important to note that middle back pain can be a symptom of a more severe condition, such as rheumatoid arthritis or a herniated spinal disc. If you experience persistent and intense back pain for several days, make an appointment with your physician to figure out the cause of your pain.

Tips for middle back pain relief

For minor backaches and pains, there are thankfully many ways you can manage middle back pain at home. What’s more, it’s possible to do this naturally, without relying on heavy-duty painkillers, which can wreak havoc on the rest of your body. Here are some tried and true methods for overcoming pain in your middle back:


Stretching can make a big difference when it comes to preventing, reducing, and managing pain in your lower back. Try doing these simple middle back stretches when you first wake up, to prepare your back for the day ahead.

Heat it up/cool it down

Many people find that applying ice to a sore back can provide some much-needed temporary relief, while others prefer to use an aromatherapy heat-pack. Try both to see which provides you with more effective relief from your middle back pain.

Muscle strains and sprains

Another common middle back pain cause, a sprain or strain, can result from certain types of physical activity such as tennis or running (especially if you don’t warm up properly), or from lifting something that’s too heavy, or not using proper technique when lifting. A muscle strain or sprain in your middle back can be very painful and may take several weeks to heal.

Topical Pain Relief

Spray a WOW! Natural Care  on your back can be an effective way of easing back pain. WOW! Natural Care has been specifically designed with natural oils, to provide fast and targeted relief from back pain and is easy to keep by your side, offering relief whenever you need it. 

Focus on that posture

Many of us spend too much time sitting at a desk, which isn’t great for our backs. Try to keep your back straight and your shoulders back, with your feet flat on the floor. Whenever possible, avoid long stretches of inactivity at your desk – get up and stretch whenever you have the chance.

Key Takeaway

Treating all minor backaches and pains whenever they occur is an important way of keeping your back strong and healthy. This is critical to your overall health – especially as you get older. Your back will certainly thank you if you take the time to stretch, exercise, and show it some love now and again.

Back Pain Relief Massage

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CategoriesNatural Pain Relief

Knee Arthritis Exercises for Pain Relief At Home

Are you stuck at home and need some simple exercises that you can do to take care of your knees? These 3 exercises were developed for arthritis sufferers, but honestly anyone who needs a little activity throughout the day can benefit from these short exercises.


Honestly, when you are stuck in one place all day, everything will start to feel a little creaky. You know the sentence, “You don’t know what you got until it is gone” is true in many aspects of our lives. You may ask, why do we mention this in our blog about knee arthritis? Well, it seems that people think that their knees are the largest joints in the body, which is taken for granted, and only when things get worse do they begin to realize their importance.

Start Your Engines and…Warm-Up!

It’s extremely important to use extra caution when exercising, especially relating to tender joints. A few rules to follow include:

  • If you experience pain while exercising, you should stop and consult your doctor.
  • In general, anyone with knee pain should consult their doctor prior to beginning an exercise routine.
  • But there’s one step that many are tempted to skip – warming up! A few minutes will do.

Why is this warmup routine so important?

Warming up is a way of preparing your body for exercise. The same way as you (should) warm up your car before driving on a cold day. Low-intensity warmups gradually increase heart rate and circulation, so you are better prepared to handle higher intensity exercise.

Taking time to warm up will also increase your body temperature, so you perform like a well-oiled machine.

In addition, as your body temperature rises, your joints will relax and increase blood flow to the muscles. This means less pressure on the joints and tendons.

Ready, Steady, GO!

Here are a few core knee exercises that can help you give some knee-love and maintain and improve your joint’s health.

Standing hamstring curls

  1. Stand straight with the knees only 1–2 inches apart. Hold on to a stable chair, the countertop, or another object for balance.
  2. Slowly bend one knee behind the body, lifting the heel off the floor while keeping the thighs aligned. Continue to lift the heel in a smooth motion until the knee bend reaches a 90-degree angle. Keep the straight leg slightly bent to avoid locking it.
  3. Hold the bent leg up for 5 seconds and then slowly lower it to the floor.
  4. Repeat two more times with the same leg.
  5. Switch sides and repeat.

*Make sure not to point the toes or flex the foot on the lifted leg. Allow the foot to remain in a neutral, flat position.

Step exercises

Use a large, sturdy step stool,  exercise platform, or even a strong crate you have lying around the house no taller than 6 inches.

  1. Step up onto the stool with the right foot and allow the left foot to follow behind. The left foot should not be on the stool but should hang behind it.
  2. Keep the bodyweight on the right foot and hold for up to 5 seconds.
  3. Slowly lower the left foot down and then follow it with the right foot.
  4. Switch legs, stepping up with the left foot first.
  5. Repeat.

*Do not lock the knees during this exercise. The knees should remain slightly bent.

*Do not allow any part of the stepping foot to hang off the stool or platform.

*People who have issues with balance should not perform this exercise.

Benefitting muscles: Quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, and gluteal muscles.

Wall squats

  1. Stand with the head, shoulders, back, and hips flat against a wall.
  2. Step both feet out about 24 inches away from the wall, while keeping the back and shoulders against it. Keep the feet no more than hip-width apart.
  3. Slide your back down the wall slowly until your body is just above a normal sitting position. 
  4. Hold for 5 seconds and then slide back up.
  5. Repeat.

*Do not squat too low. The knees should not go over the toes.

*Do not use fast, jerky movements. Perform the exercise slowly and smoothly.

Benefitting muscles: Quadriceps and gluteal muscles.

And remember: After exercising any muscle group, it is essential to stretch the muscles. Stretching helps improve flexibility and reduce pain and injury.

So, give yourself a pat on your knees and start showing them some love.

CategoriesNatural Pain Relief

Massage for Arthritis and Trigger Finger

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There are many benefits to massaging the affected hand and finger. These include:

  • Improved blood flow for healing
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Pain relief
  • Improved tissue mobility and finger range of motion to prevent contracture, especially when using a splint
  • Overall relaxation of the finger, hand, and forearm
  • Help to restore hand and finger function
  • Decreased dependence on anti-inflammatory medication
  • Reduced risk of the need for trigger finger surgery, corticosteroid injections, and other invasive treatment options

For many of us, getting a massage can seem like a luxury reserved for special occasions.
However, for those with hand pain (including pain associated with arthritis), regular hand massage has been proven to decrease anxiety, improve strength and reduce pain.


Research conducted at the Touch Research Institutes at the University of Miami School of Medicine found that a combination of hand massage from a therapist and self–hand massage is likely to be effective in the easing of hand pain caused by arthritis and other conditions. The study analyzed adults who received a massage on their affected hand(s) by a therapist once a week and also performed self- hand massage daily.  Results showed that the combination of massages could possibly reduce hand pain up to 57 percent.

CategoriesNatural Pain Relief

The Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil can help for almost all pains and especially muscle cramps. It can be included in the diet to strengthen the immune system and relieve inflammation, one of the causes for muscle pain. A good massage with coconut oil can keep the blood flow healthy while accelerating healing. Follow this with a hot shower to relax the cramped muscles even as the heat enables the muscles to loosen up.

Back Pain or Sore Muscles

Coconut oil applied topically can aid, prevent, or even cure instances of back pain or sore muscles. It’s a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, and muscle relaxant.


When directly applied to bruises, coconut oil can help bruises disappear faster since it “enhances the healing process by reducing swelling and redness”. It also moisturizes your skin!


If a patient’s problems are related to obesity, coconut oil may aid in losing weight (and even lowering cholesterol). Unlike other cooking substances, it’s a healthy fat that heightens metabolism, increases muscle, and gives you an energy boost.


Relieve stress by putting a dollop of coconut oil on your head, and rubbing it in using a circular motion. The smell of coconut helps alleviate the stress and tension from a long day.

Other Healing Uses

Also, coconut oil is used to treat the following diseases and conditions:

  • diabetes
  • heart disease
  • chronic fatigue
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • thyroid conditions
  • lack of energy
  • boosting the immune system

How to apply a massage for Low back pain relief

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CategoriesNatural Pain Relief

Simple chair exercises to relieve back pain

Believe it or not, it is possible to sit in a chair and exercise. It can also be an effective exercise. Chair exercises are particularly effective for the elderly because they provide extra support, enhance stability, improve the range of motion, and can be done without any equipment other than the chair. They can also help increase confidence and ease technical bottlenecks. Needless to say, there are five chair exercises here, and anyone can use only the chair.

Core Twisters

This action can be used as a wonderful spine stretch, but also can exercise the entire core. Be a core twister:

  1. Start by sitting in a chair. Your feet should be flat on the floor, and your back should be nice and straight. Participate in the core.
  2. Stretch out your arms, reach in with your hands, and let them touch your shoulders.
  3. With the core engaged, rotate to the right. You want to start twisting from your belly button instead of your shoulders.
  4. Do it 8 to 10 times on each side.

Seated side stretches

Another great back stretch, this exercise gently stretches the entire back and spine, as well as the arms. Do the sitting side stretch:

  1. Sit up straight and relax your shoulders. Raise your arms above your head.
  2. Grasp your left wrist with your right hand and gently stretch it from the waist to the right.
  3. Keep this state for 5 seconds. Repeat on the other side. That is a representative.
  4. Repeat 3-6 times.

Seated leg raises

This exercise helps to strengthen core strength, which is especially important as we age. Core stability helps prevent injuries, improves balance and stability, and helps you better perform common daily activities such as standing upright, leaving a chair, and walking. Do stretch leg lifts:

  1. Sit up straight with your back straight. Grab the armrest or seat for support.
  2. Raise your right leg as high as possible and do not move any other parts of your body.
  3. Keep your left heel on the ground with your toes pointing upwards. Put down your right leg and switch legs.
  4. Put down your left leg. This counts as a representative.
  5. Complete 8 to 10 times in total.

Thigh stretch

This is a good stretch for your thighs and can help improve balance and stability. Do a thigh stretch:

  1. Stand beside or behind a chair. Grasp the back of the chair with the arm closest to the chair to maintain balance.
  2. Lift the other leg and grab your foot with the other arm. Keep this position gently and stretch your thigh muscles.
  3. Hold for 5 seconds, then switch to the other leg and repeat.

After Exercise

Hope these exercises will refresh your blood and help you integrate exercise into your day. However, after a good workout or stretching, you may feel some lingering discomfort. Or, sore, sore muscles may be an unfortunate part of your daily life. If this is the case, use our WOW! Spray-On Relief or WOW! Roll-On Relief on any area where you feel pain or inflammation. You can also try topical pain relievers to help temporarily relieve the pain.

CategoriesNatural Pain Relief

The benefits of using Jojoba Oil for pain relief

People are looking for natural ways to relieve joint and muscle soreness. There is a strong interest in local treatment of pain instead of relying on oral medications. People have already learned a lot about essential oils and how they treat chronic and acute muscle and joint inflammation, even without taking drugs that may have undesirable side effects. Health practitioners have found that these oil mixtures are an effective form of pain relief. Essential oils are mixed with carrier oils (such as jojoba oil). These mixtures can replace or supplement more traditional pain relief types.

History of jojoba oil

The history of jojoba oil can be traced back to the native people of North America using it as a method of healing wounds. Since then, jojoba oil has been used, including as a mechanical lubricant. Recently, however, jojoba oil has found a place in the cosmetics industry. It is usually used in shampoos, makeup removers and moisturizing dry skin.


Health practitioners have also discovered that jojoba oil is also an excellent carrier oil for other essential oils and can be used for local pain relief. The thick fat content of jojoba oil makes it very suitable for combining with eucalyptus and other essential oils to produce effective muscle friction that is beneficial to the body and the earth. If you do not add high-quality carrier oils such as jojoba oil, the essential oils may evaporate before they can fully exert their effects.


Jojoba oil is close to the sebum of the skin, so it will not clog pores and make your skin feel greasy. It is heavy enough to carry essential oils while still being a micro-oil that will not break your skin. This is particularly beneficial when used in combination with essential oils, as it allows the essential oils to perform their due role. Jojoba oil also contains many antioxidants, which help fight free radicals and make your skin look older. It is difficult to deal with pain, but Euca-Leaf is committed to providing high-quality all-natural products. Contact us to learn more about how Euca-Leaf can help you.

CategoriesNatural Pain Relief

Foods That Help Reduce Joint Pain

Your daily life can have a major impact on the health and longevity of your joints. For example, choosing foods that increase bone density, strengthen connective tissue, and reduce inflammation can help you prevent injuries and protect joints, making them live longer and more active. We often see patients curious about changing their lifestyles to relieve joint pain. However, our orthopedic surgeon realizes that it is difficult to change everything at once. Therefore, checking your diet is a good starting point. Here are our views on 10 foods that may help reduce pain and increase joint mobility:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids / Fish Oils

Cold water fish is an excellent source of Omega-3s fatty acids, which are essential nutrients for human health. These important nutrients are sometimes called polyunsaturated fatty acids. Not only have they been shown to reduce inflammatory proteins in the body, but they can also improve brain function and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases. Omega-3 can be found in cold water fish such as tuna, salmon, trout, halibut and sardines. Taking fish oil supplements daily is another way to absorb Omega-3.

Nuts and Seeds

For vegetarians and vegetarians among us, there is good news. Omega-3 can also be found in various nuts and seeds. A small portion of walnuts, almonds, flax seeds, chia seeds or pine nuts every day helps reduce inflammation of joints and connective tissues.

Brassica Vegetables

What are those, you may ask. Brassica is also known as a cruciferous vegetable and is usually related to the mustard and cabbage families. Green leafy vegetables such as mustard greens, arugula, kale, and purple cabbage belong to the Brassica genus. Several other popular (and delicious!) vegetables are also on the list, including broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. It is well known that this particular subgroup of plant populations prevents enzymes that cause joint swelling. In addition, they are rich in fiber, vitamins and nutrients, which contribute to overall health and well-being.

Olive Oil

Throw away your vegetable oil, sunflower oil and peanut oil-all of these will increase inflammation. Instead, choose a few tablespoons of olive oil to cook and make salad dressings. Even better, choose extra virgin varieties with less processing. Usually related to the Mediterranean diet, olive oil is an unsaturated “healthy” fat. Guess what… it’s another source of Omega-3!

Lentils and Beans

Beans and lentils are known for their health benefits. They are an excellent source of protein, fiber and essential minerals. They also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Black beans, lentils, chickpeas, pinto beans, and soybeans are all important sources of anthocyanins-this miraculous flavonoid compound can reduce inflammation.

Garlic and Root Vegetables

Garlic, onion, ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties. Various studies have shown that these spicy root vegetables can be used to treat arthritis and other symptoms of joint pain. Add these vegetables to the diet to increase flavor. In addition, they can all be used in supplements.